Paragon’s approach to equity investing is based on fundamental analysis and reinforced by the discipline of Strategic Asset Allocation. Key fundamental metrics used when analyzing a company include: balance sheet strength, cash flow and debt obligations, relative price/earnings, dividend history and future growth opportunities. This conservative approach achieves long-term growth without undue risk.
Continuity and Consistency of investment strategy
Agility and Flexibility in investment decision making
Strategic Asset Allocation
Paragon’s guiding principle – to remain disciplined and true to each client’s Investment Policy Statement – embodies Strategic Asset Allocation. At the onset of a client’s relationship with Paragon a target asset mix is established based on the client’s investment goals, risk tolerances and income needs. The asset classes may include, cash, fixed income, equities and other absolute return strategies. The client’s portfolio is periodically rebalanced to maintain the original target weights, thereby preserving the original investment objectives.
Investment Process
The foundation for each client’s investment portfolio is the Investment Policy Statement (“IPS”). Each client’s IPS will uniquely address their goals and objectives, taking into consideration income or cash flow requirements, risk tolerance, and other relevant constraints such as liquidity, tax or legal considerations. The IPS will outline asset allocation based on these key factors and is updated as and when client or market circumstances change.
Risk Management
Paragon’s foundation stems from the strong commitment to achieve clients’ goals and objectives, without taking undue risk. Adhering to the strict discipline of value-based fundamentals, strategic asset allocation and a well-diversified portfolio at all times, allows the clients’ to enjoy, over the long-term, successful investment returns in their portfolio.